F15 FIREFOX 50 LC (1997 - 2008) street exhaust system for 50cc minarelli engines | 101 OCTANE

1997 - 2008 MALAGUTI F15 FIREFOX 50 LC
Street exhaust system for 50cc minarelli engines | 101 OCTANE

Fits to:

MALAGUTI F15 50 LC DT Firefox [1997 - 2000]
MALAGUTI F15 DIGIT 50 LC DD Firefox [2003 - 2008
MALAGUTI F15 50 LC DD Firefox [1998 - 2003]
$75.14 -10%

Estimated delivery date to your address:
Gru 9, 2024


Manufacturer 101 OCTANE
Type Full System
Units Each
Design/configuration 1-Into-1 System

Product description

101-OCTANE FULL EXHAUST SYSTEMS Low-cost aftermarket exhaust, non-performance enhancing. Good fit. For those looking for a simple replacement to a damaged or defective exhaust. Looks and performs like the original, but the price is far from the original. Does not come with Vehicle Type Approval.

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